Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: December 2008
Article DOI:
Published On: 11-10-2018 07:08

U. Wernery, B. Johnson and S. Jose
Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, P.O Box 597, Dubai, UAE


Mastitis pathogens of the dromedary are the same as cultured from the bovine mammary gland. When 84 dromedary mastitis cases were investigated from 2 herds, Streptococcus agalactiae (43%), coagulase negative Staphylococci (17%), Staphylococcus aureus (13%) and Streptococcus bovis (9.5%) were isolated. In 4 (4.8%) cases no bacteria were cultured. All 84 mastitis cases were also examined with the CMT and for SCC. A very good correlation between these 2 tests were observed. Of the 84 mastitis cases 60 (71.4%) had a CMT score of 3+ and a mean SCC of 2.2 x 106 ± 1.4 x 106 cells/ml, whereas, 24 (28.6%) had a CMT score of 2+ and a mean SCC of 3.0x105 ± 6.7 x 104 cells/ml. The authors recommend to use the same standards for camel milk which are applied for cow milk.
Key words: CMT, dromedary, mastitis, pathogens, SCC