Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: April 2023
Article DOI: 10.5958/2277-8934.2023.00003.6
Published On: 20-04-2023 05:40

Superovulation (multiple ovulation) and embryo transfer is relatively an old, cheap and efficient reproductive technique for taking advantage of an elite she-camel’s genome. It starts with the selection and preparation of donors followed by the stimulation of ovaries (superovulation) to produce more ovulatory follicles. The rest of the procedure including mating and/or AI, fertilisation, and construction of zygote and embryo follow the same natural sequence of embryo production in vivo. The quality of embryo produced by this technique has nearly similar competence to the one produced normally during reproductive cycle in camel resulting in the birth of healthy and genetically selected calf. This review article summarises the majority of references used for superovulation in camel in order to sum up the approaches for synchronisation of elite donors, varying types of gonadotropins and the way of their administration in camel.
Key words: Follicular wave synchronisation, gondadotropins, multiple ovulation, superovulatory response