Mohamed H.E.
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Al Baha, Saudi Arabia
Camel milk possess rich content of antioxidants help in ameliorating some chronic disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of supplemental camel milk on apoliproteins, leptin, hyperhomocyteinemia as well antioxidant status in rats subjected to induced-streptozotocin (STZ) diabetes. Pregnant rats were assigned to 3 groups of 12 rats in each group; Group 1: Control; Group 2: Diabetic with citrate and Group 3: Diabetic with camel milk. Diabetes was induced by STZ at a dose of 49 mg/kg dissolved in citrate buffer. Blood glucose concentrations was measured on a weekly basis after inducing diabetes and the concentrations exceeded 200 mg/dL is a confirmed diabetic rats. The study indicated that camel milk improved blood profile of the measured parameters and these effects are related to antioxidant properties. Current findings confirmed an increase in homocysteine (Hcy), cathepsin G and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) levels and decreases in apolipoprotein A (ApoA) and leptin levels in the group with no supplemental camel milk. Restoration of the elevated levels of biomarkers were found in the camel milk treated group. An improved in Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) and reduced Malondildehyde (MDA) is clearly seen in camel milk-treated offspring compared with non-treated group. Camel milk is suggested to have cardio protective effects as it improved these markers of inflammation associated with heart changes.
Key words: Antioxidant, camel milk, diabetes, inflammation, rats