Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: April 2020
Article DOI: 10.5958/2277-8934.2020.00020.X
Published On: 27-04-2020 18:14

Chittora R.K., Upreti N.C., Yadav C.D. and Jadhav A.S. Animal Rahat, Post Box No-30 Pin 416416, Maharashtra, India


Five dromedary male camels were castrated through prescrotal midline incision method in lateral recumbency under general anaesthesia by using Xylazine HCl, Ketamine HCl and Butorphanol Tartarate, intravenously. Prescrotal midline incision was given and both testicles were excised from a single incision one by one and ligation of spermatic cord was done by chromic cat gut no. 2. Surgical wound was closed in two layers, using Vicryl and skin was closed by using intra dermal suture pattern. No complications were observed post-surgery except slight swelling on scrotum on next day which subsided when camels were allowed little exercise. All 5 camels recovered well and intra dermal suture pattern left no scar at incision site.

Key words: Camel, castration, ketamine stun, prescrotal midline