Camels and Camelids

Curriculum Vitae - Prof. Dr. med. vet. Rolf Karl Schuster (Member)

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Rolf Karl Schuster

1980 D.V.M. (Moscow Veterinary Academy)

1984 Dr. vet. med. (Humboldt-University of Berlin)

1991 Fachtierarzt for Parasitology

1993 Dr. habil. (Free University of Berlin)

1998 appl. Prof. (Free University of Berlin)

2006 Fachtierarzt for Tropical Veterinary Medicine


1980 – 1992:    Lecturer at the Institute for Parasitology of Humbldt-University of Berlin

1992 – 1993:   Project Assistant in the German Malawi Basic Animal Helalth Service Project in Mzuzu, Malawi

1993 – 1999:    Senior lecturer at the Institute for Parasitology and Tropical Veterinary  Medicine of the Free University of Berlin

1999 – 2002:    Guest professor at the Institute for Parasitology and International Animal Health of the Free University of Berlin

Since   2002:    Parasitologist at the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory in Dubai, UAE

Current designation: Head of parasitology department at the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory in Dubai (Updated April 2024)


Knowledge of foreign languages

  • German: native language
  • Russian: perfect in written and spoken communication
  • English: perfect in written and spoken communication
  • French: basic knowledge

Knowledge of foreign languages:

  • German: native language
  • Russian: perfect in written and spoken communication
  • English: perfect in written and spoken communication
  • French: basic knowledge

Main fields of work:

  • Teaching activities: parasitology for students of veterinary, medical, agriculture and science faculties
  • Research activities: parasites of farm animals, parasites of wildlife, parasite ecology,  epidemiology of parasitoses, diagnosis and control of parasites
  • 141 original publications in scientific journals
  • 26 book chapters and book contributions
  • 76 posters and 88 oral papers at scientific conferences and guest lectures