1987: Veterinary Diploma, University of Leipzig, Germany
1990: DVM, University of Leipzig, Germany
1964 to 1987 living in Mühlberg/Elbe, Germany
1968-1978 Primary and junior school in Mühlberg erg/Elbe
1976-1980 High school in Elsterwerda, Germany
1980-1982 Army duty
1882-1987 Study of Veterinary medicine at Leipzig University, Germany
1987-1996 living in Leipzig, Germany
since 1996 living in Dubai, UAE
1995: Specialist for Veterinary Pathology/ CertVetPath, Saxonia, Germany
2004: Specialist for Tropical Veterinary Medicine/ CertTropVet, Saxonia, Germany
Past and Present Appointments, Activities, Specialisations
1987-1996: Scientific Assistant at Institute for Veterinary Pathology; University of Leipzig, Germany
Since 15. April 1996: Head of Pathology at the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, (CVRL) in Dubai, UAE
Present Working Fields
Pathology of diseases in avian, wildlife and camels
Fluent in English and German language
Member of DVG, ESVP and EAZWV
Wernery, U., R.K. Schuster and J. Kinne (2020) Lumpy jaw and wooden tongue in an adult dromedary camel. Case report. Journal of Camel Practice and Research 27(3), 339-340