Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: December 2010
Article DOI:
Published On: 03-09-2018 19:13

K.A. El-Bahrawy
Animal Reproduction Unit, Department of Animal Physiology, Division of Animal and
Poultry Science, Desert Research Centre, Al-Nasryia St., Al Amryia, Alexandria, Egypt


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of α-amylase on the high viscous nature of dromedary camel semen used for processing of cryopreserved doses. Five different concentrations (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 μl/ml) were used as a mucolytic agent for seminal plasma glutinosity liquefaction prior freezing (during 4 hours of equilibration period). The enzyme was added in Tris-Lactose 3% glycerolated extender (TLG) supplemented with 20% fresh egg-yolk. Semen was collected from 3 adult bulls (12 years old); semen ejaculates were assessed immediately for motility. Samples with mass motility higher than 60% and individual forward motility more than 20% were directly splitted on the α-amylase – TLG mix and equilibrated on 5°C for 4 hours before freezing. The results showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in the sperm motility at the high concentrations of amylase treatments 5, 10, 15 μl/ml being 55%, 56.6% and 55% respectively, compared to 40% for both of the control sample (0 μl/ml) and that with added 2.5 μl/ml of amylase. No significant effect was reported due to the treatment on either the detached acrosome or the abnormalities. Computer system for semen assessment (Cell motion analyser CMA) was used to investigate some parameters of the cryopreserved treated semen sperms after thawing. Most movements and velocities parameters, namely; distance along tract (μm), straight distance start finish (μm), distance along average track (μm), VCL(μm/S), VSL (μm/S), VAL (μm/S), linearity%, wobble% and straightness% showed increased values (P < 0.05) at concentration of 15 μl of α-amylase as compared with the control sample or at other α-amylase concentrations.
In conclusion, α-amylase at concentrations of 5, 10, 15 μl/ml under slow thawing conditions is a proper mucolytic agent for camel seminal plasma viscosity elimination prior cryopreservation. This enhanced the post-thaw forward motility of camel sperm with no significant detectable effect on both of the acrosomal integrity and the abnormalities.
Key words: Amylase, camel, mucolytic, semen, viscosity