Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: December 2020
Article DOI: 10.5958/2277-8934.2020.00050.8
Published On: 02-01-2021 11:40

Al-Momani Ahmad Q.1 and Khaled A. Al-Najjar2
1Departmant of Animal Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Jerash University, Jordan
2General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, GCSAR, Syria

This study was carried out on Shami camels at Dier-Alhajar station in Syria to evaluate the effect of some environmental factors on milk parameters daily milk yield (kg), milk fat%, milk protein%, lactose%, non-fat solids%, and total solids and body weight at birth and at 6 months intervals until 4 year-old (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and at 48 months of age). A total of 1968 records of milk and 2018 records of body weight were used. Data were analysed using 2 fixed linear models by SAS (2012). The studied milk and bodyweight traits were estimated. All studied milk traits were affected by year of production and parity except lactose% was not affected by year of production. Daily milk yield was affected by the interaction between the year of production and the time of milking. All weight traits were not affected by calf sex, birth year, or their interactions except body weight at birth and weight at 18 months of age which were affected by year of production and calf sex, respectively. This study concluded that year of production and parity might influence some milk traits and also birth year might influence body weight at birth of Shami camel. 
Key words: Body weights, camels milk traits, shami camel