Camels and Camelids


Journal Edition: December 2017
Article DOI: 10.5958/2277-8934.2017.00044.3
Published On: 03-09-2018 18:58

Nasareldien A. Hussein1 and Amir M. Saad2
1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of AL-Butana, Sudan
2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan


This study was carried out to determine different types of mastitis and their incidence in camels in Tamboul area. A questionnaire was designed to collect data on mastitis in 10 herds in 4 different localities with total population 1649 camels during 3 seasons (summer, winter and autumn) for 1 year. In addition a slaughter house study in which, udders of 2158 female camels at different ages of Arabi breed were examined. Gross lesions of affected udders were observed and recorded. Representative samples from the gross lesions were fixed in 10% neutral formal saline, processed, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) for histopathological examinations. The prevalence of mastitis as calculated from the questionnaire results was 18.98%.
The results showed that prevalence of clinical mastitis was 18.98% (acute 6.9%, chronic 12% and gangrenous 0,061%). The results revealed that 47.92% of mastitis cases were found to use (surar), 19.17% were found to use gourab and 32.91% didn’t use any device. Mastitis cases observed in the initial stage of lactation was 19%, middle stage of lactation 30.1% and the highest prevalence of mastitis was found in late stage of lactation (50.9%). Slaughter house results showed that 353 udders were affected representing 16.36% of the total she-camels investigated (2158). The various pathological lesions and conditions included chronic mastitis (66.29%), acute mastitis (31.73%), abscess (1.70%) and gangrenous mastitis (0.28%) of the total affected udders.
Key words: Camel, mastitis, pathological study, Sudan